The SPA vision is to lead in consulting through innovation and provide practical solutions for organizations, projects, research and training in Africa and emerging market economies.
The SPA strategy is to add creative service levels in solving an array of customer challenges and doing so with professional confidence. This strategy translates directly into our ability to assist Clients to achieve their set development objectives and organizational objectives.
We give our best services
We offer empirical research solutions on economic, social, management, industrial relations, education, trade, health, infrastructure issues in the public, private, and development sectors. In management studies, we provide surveys in customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, work environment, integrity and anti-corruption, institutional capacity assessment, training needs assessments
Basic Research and Methods
The Centre for Advanced Procurement Studies carries out empirical research in the areas of procurement, supply chain, and contracts management. The purpose of the research studies is to inform public policy and private sector strategy. The studies are carried out in Kenya and other African countries
Procurement Survey
In Public Procurement there are generally three procurement categories: goods, works and services. Goods are physical products purchased or manufactured on request. There is usually an element of service involved, such as when the agreement is for the purchase of goods to be assembled and/or installed.