The Centre for Advanced Procurement Studies Ltd (CAPS) was established in the year 2002 with a focus of providing practical solutions in capacity building, training, and research in in Africa and emerging economies.

Operating from Nairobi, Kenya, CAPS serves for clients drawn from the private sector, and public sectors, international development partners, and non-governmental organizations.

CAPS specializes in research, capacity building, and training in the fields of procurement, contracts, supply, and projects management and currently has an alumnus of 3,000 professionals and practitioners.

Our experience spans several countries and sectors offering practical services as singly or in collaboration with other firms and institutions:

We have delivered practical training to cohorts comprising over 5,000 professionals in all sectors of the economy. The current client portfolio spans 600 organizations, with trainees originating from parastatals, national and county governments, development sector, nongovernmental organizations and private sector. The trainings are focused on procurement planning, preparation of bidding documents, correct setting of evaluation and qualification criteria, effective bididing process management, professional evaluation of bids and proposals, contracting and contract management, as well as inventory and supply management.


The collaborative assignment was about perception survey on procurement related corruption and malpratices in Tanzania, providing research support solutions over a six months period commissioned by the Puboic Procurement Regulatory Authority. With funding from the African Development Bank, the objective of the assignment was to improve business environment by developing best practices guidelines for the prevention of corruption in procurement and contracts management in Tanzania. We used various research methods, generating findings and outputs used to prepare the guidelines on prevention and investigation of procurement corruption.


Contracted by the Ministry of Finance with funding from the World Bank to provide technical assistsance to the Public procurement and And Property Administration Agency. The objecive was to assess the professionalization and certification training and development of training strategy and roadmap for professionalization of the procurement function. We reviewed the entire curriculum and training modules in procurement and property administration and identify gaps. Analyzed the competence framework for procurement and property administration to cover knowledge, skill, and attitude and identify gaps. Evaluated and compared the existing professionalization training with similar countries. Recommended improvements in the curriculum and training program for procurement at basic, essential, advanced, and specialized levels. Developed a road map and guideline to fill the gaps for sustainable professional training. Developed a strategy and roadmap for professionalizing procurement function in Ethiopia.


We delivered the training tasks in the assignment for preparation of the procurement audit manual and delivery of training for the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority in Uganda. Upon development of the procurement audit manual by a related firm, out tasks included a review of the outputs and deliverables, preparing training modules and delivered face to face training to 70 staff from the national and local government administration, awarded certificates of participation, gave client debrief and prepared the training report.


The assignment was for the procurement curriculum development in Monrovia, Liberia. The tasks included development of procurement curricula and modules. The curricula modules included 3 to 6 months intensive training in procurement and supply targeted at procurement practitioners working in the public sector. Depending on their qualifications, the procurement practitioners were to begin their journey to professional qualifications. The second task was a 15-24 months intensive additional training in procurement for graduates who have pursued procurement and supply management at the polutenics and universities. The third was a bachelors degree course in procurement for senior high school students and others with similar qualifications who wished to purpuse a career in procurement.


With funding from Australian Aid, the Mekong River Commission required our external technical assistance on procurement matters. We reviewed the existing procurement unit structures, systems and procedures, revised the tempaltes for procurement, evaluation and qualificaiton criteria, developed anti corruption guidelines, assessed the training needs in the revised procurementsy systems and regime, developed an action plan for procurement capacity enhancement and delivered practical training to procurement unit and user departments staff and prepared training report.


The overall assignment was for drafting procurement guidelines and national procurement manual. Our brief was to review the deliverables and outputs, new bidding documents and procurement manual. We then prepared the training modules and delivered a two-week training of trainers of 60 procurement professionals and other officers to upgrade their skills on the revised systems, bidding documents and templates.


Our mission is to offer real value in training and capacity building.


Our vision is to lead in providing capacity building and training services through practical in Kenya, other African countries, and emerging markets.


The strategy is to offer professional expertise through practical training and capacity building to solve real challenges in workplace staff skills.

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